in senegal, the youth refer to aids as American Invention to Discourage Sex(and reproduction). the west is clearly pushing hard for mandatory hiv testing in non-white (melanated) communities. while the link between hiv and aids is dubious at best, the hiv 'treatment' drugs are undeniably fatal! i suggest that mr dhumal do thorough research on the so called hiv pandemic before making any decisions with such profound effects on the people. here is a link: by the way, while african americans make up only 13% of the u.s. population; they are greater than 60% of the washington d.c. population. the related article about mandatory testing being pushed there is of no surprise. they will push for mandatory testing in africa, india, and other melanated communities and nations. you will not here of this in germany or sweden! this is a very targeted attack
Replied on Monday, December 22, 2008 12:00 AM