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Acute Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is caused by the inflammation the bronchi and its ensuing complications, such as the bronchi filling up with a sticky mucus. This impedes air flow into the lungs.

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continuous cough

My wife is 25 years old. We have a kid. She is suffering from continuous cough for the past one month. She also has wheezing problems. She had this cough and wheezing before and we consulted a few general practitioners. They suggested us to test for Primary complex which we found to be negative. Inspite of this our doctor suggested her to take anti primary complex tablets for 6 months. We have also completed the course two months back and she did not have any problems of wheezing and cough during course of taking the tablets. We also were suggested to test for thyroid and was proven negative.

But, Inspite of all these things she is still suffering from continuous cough and incidences of intermittent wheezing. She also complaints that she suffers from chest pain due to continuous cough.

Please suggest me a way to get rid of this situation.

Thanking you

G. Sam David.

Posted on : Tuesday, July 1, 2008 12:37 PM
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hi there
as far as my knowledge is concerned i do think your there is a asthamatic problem
joshua lewis
u can mail in will guide you
Replied on Tuesday, July 1, 2008 12:37 PM

it's interesting that inspite of
your many visits to General Practitioners no-one refered you to
an Allergist, Pulmonologist or Lung
Specialist.The best person to most likely solve your wife's problem is one
those just mentioned.The allergy Specialist will run a series of allergy
test on your wife to determine any specific agent triggering the persistent
cough and wheezing sometimes acompanied
by chest tightness.On the hand,the Pulmonologist or Lung Specialist will
also run a series of provocative tests
to determine if your wife suffers from
a condition known as Asthma which can
often be relieved with the use of inhaled beta agonist bronchodilators or anticholinergics.In some cases, Anti-
inflamatory steroids have shown to be
beneficial.Infact some individuals have
been said to gain relieve from the use
OTC agents, it is safer to consult a
Specialist before trying anything.
Good Luck!
Replied on Tuesday, July 1, 2008 12:38 PM
I think your wife needs thorough evaluation to find basic cause of wheezing. She should seek advice from a CONSULTANT in RESPIRATORY MEDICINE or GENERAL MEDICINE ; since you have already tried good gen. practitioners.Nowadays there are quite a few good specialists in this. But let me caution you, every now & then this problem of wheezing (Asthma) could be resistant to all forms of treatment and only partial relief may be possible.
Good luck,
M.D.& Chief Surgeon,
Dr. U Mohan Rau Memorial Hospital,
Visit: http://www.mohanraohospital.com
Replied on Tuesday, July 1, 2008 12:39 PM

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