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Diet and nutrition :
Cow’s Milk

Milk is an opaque white liquid produced by the mammary glands of mammals like cow, goat, camel and human beings. It provides the primary source of nutrition for newborn mammals before they are able to digest other types of food.


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A Boon From The Animal World: Cow’s Milk

Although very difficult to ascertain documents suggest that the practice of drinking cow’s milk is ancient, calculated as old as 6,000 – 8,000 B.C. Milk and other dairy products were so highly valued in ancient Egypt that only the very wealthy could afford to consume them. Beginning...Read More

Posted on : Tuesday, December 29, 2009 12:00 AM
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anurag sukhija
hello anurag ,
i think cow milk i s non veg becoz it is made only for her own child, becoz cow milk is prepared from the strees in inner part of cow, which is enough only for her child, so its d non veg,
Replied on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 12:00 AM

Yes it is for its kid but, the cow owner takes the responsibilities of its kids and for your kind information. In our all holy book it is well mentioned, the cow is our mother. And the mother milk is not only the food but it is also the relation of love.

Now definitely you have one question why is cow our mother? why not buffalo, camel, elephant..?
For this you are requested to study following our total syllabus.
4 veda 18 Puran 36 Upanisad first read it and then think and then make any comment.
Replied on Thursday, September 10, 2009 12:00 AM

So Rahul have you all the veda,puran and upanishad.Oh my god please mention the chapter and the book where milk is being described as Please ellaborate as I am curious to know the same.
Replied on Monday, June 28, 2010 12:00 AM

Cow is the only animal that sheds tears when you are sad. Hence we consider her our mother.
Replied on Tuesday, July 13, 2010 12:00 AM
Cow milk is veg as it is mentioned in ayurveda , Ayurveda as indian has always regretted for non veg.Desi Cow Milk only is good for health if consumed less than 200 ml per day/adult or it is best to add water by 50% when boiling AND KEEP BOILING FOR MAX 10 MIN

Example for Hindu followers

In lord Shiva Temple Milk is mixed with water and offer to GOD I Challenge has anybody seen any infection there any health loss it is always soothing atmosphere no harm to body or foot skin even it gets better

Milk is natural cleaner if mixed with water it will wash away all your health problems like bad skin, bad cholestrol, stress , heat ,impotenacy, menstural and memory LOSS etc


Best diet for human beings in terms of health and longevity is vegetarian.

Pankaj Seth Amritsar India
Replied on Saturday, August 8, 2009 12:00 AM

Hi pankajDont show yourself a hindu unless sufficient knowledge.I would like to know in which chapter of ayurveda milk is described with proof as veg food?Offering god means not vegeterian.In some shakti temple animals are sacrified and slaughtered then the blood and meat offered to godess and bhairav dev the incarnation of lord shiva.Please dont make hinduism as joke please.First learn then tell.We are not here to discuss the food value of milk but to ensure whether it is veg or non=veg.
Replied on Monday, June 28, 2010 12:00 AM

Does India allow the use of rGBH in their dairy industry? I was hoping that it was banned in India like in Canada and some of Europe. I eat some prepared dishes from India that contain butter and cream. It's our emergency Dal, when I am preparing a meal in a rush. I will not buy them again if they contain rGBH dairy. Are the cows abused there in the dairy industry like they are in the US? Has Food, Inc been released in India yet? It's an important documentary to see.
Replied on Friday, August 28, 2009 12:00 AM

To your post, i can say a few things Although India may not have a strict regulatory authority, i can confidently tell you that cows here are not tortured or mistreated. Among Hindu's, a Cow is a god and no man will dare hurt it... they roam freely on the roads and can enter any area without being pelted by stones or beaten..... Let alone be mistreated by us in closed sheds.... we do not practise mechanical dairies here as it is considered inhuman
Replied on Monday, March 22, 2010 12:00 AM
Some people say that "Vegetarians consume vegetables, grains, fruit, nuts, milk, curd, ghee and honey, since the animal is not hurt for producing them" then I guess you can eat the meat of an animal that died a natural death and died a peaceful death without any pains. Only vegans are true vegetarians because they know that both milk and eggs are actually non-veg. The others have their eggs, milk and eat ice-cream that has gelatin very shamelessly and then call themselves vegetarians. Milk has fat which is nothing but the fat that is found sticking to meat. I guess then you can eat this fat as well but not eat the meat. Its like fooling your own self.
Replied on Tuesday, December 1, 2009 12:00 AM

it's not true that people who consume milk are non vegetarians.i think you have mistaken and telling things to people which you should do by confirming first.and i totally agree with what roohi said.and let the animal die naturally or by the necessity of humans, but you are consuming it.
Replied on Wednesday, October 27, 2010 10:32 AM

great post ronconrad99. has anybody thought abt plants that eat animals? now whats veg? these vegies are lying to themselves. can u live in desert/snow on veg diet?
Replied on Tuesday, November 1, 2011 10:28 PM

Yes, dear we can live without nonveg and we are living in snow. we are healthy and very happy without eating animals. never mind i just give you the answer of your question. I don't like argument. thanks
Replied on Sunday, February 10, 2013 2:17 AM
First thing First we are having six senses and can think. So limit intake of food whether it's Veg/NonVeg. We are above the order from Plant and Animal kingdom. God wants us to argue on it to realize that there are so many people are hungry in this world and we need to limit. But, share the food. Let others also live as they are and argue on it, that their food they eat depends on the geographical and climatic conditions [like in dessert they have to take Camel's milk and meat and even at times in war period the soldiers cut the dead bodies of the other soldiers and eat due to hunger only. So my dear guest take other opinions aswell as we are living in a small pond. Even so called veg/non veg walas they stop taking certain foods if the doctor/web advice on it. So every thing revolve on health point of view. Please take care the elders. thanks from Karthik
Replied on Wednesday, October 2, 2013 4:20 AM

If at all Cow's Milk is non- Veg, I beleive Mothers's Milk is also non vegetarian. Therefore every child is born non -vegetarian, as he is in mother's womb and lives by getting the nutrition from Blood Vessels.
Replied on Tuesday, December 29, 2009 12:00 AM

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