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simipaknikar's Answers

Asked By : Anonymous

Asked on : 29 Feb 2012   

my girlfriend used mifeprin 1st dose on yesterday(28 feb) and the 2nd one on today(29 feb) and bleeding has been started,is the fetus has been destroyed..? is everything ok now..?how can i be sure about that..?

Asked By : mark2

Asked on : 12 Mar 2012   


10 years ago I was in the north of Thailand in a Malaria hotspot, I was bitten numerous times and was not taking any anti malarial drugs at the time. A few days later I became quite ill and was admitted to hospital for 4 days in which time I was regularly tested for malaria which always came back negative.
In the last few years I get struck down with what starts as a bad sore throat then manifests into flu like symptoms, shivering, fever, head aches and complete exhaustion. I normally suffer with this a couple of times a year. I was wondering if I could of contracted malaria all those years ago as I believe it is not always easy to detect?


Asked on : 01 Mar 2012   

why anti-hypertensive oral drugs are advised to be taken after food?

Asked By : BKPATHAK31011967

Asked on : 10 Mar 2012   

My father is 73 years old and recently diagnose
DIAGNOS At ILBS Delhi ,Metastatic Liver disease,Carcinoma Lung - right upper lobe (Primary),Type 2 diabetes mellitus
CECT abdomen showed multiple metastases in liver.USG guided liver SOL FNAC showed features of poorly differentiated carcinoma. CEA was elevated. UGIE showed mild antral hypopigmentation which on biopsy showed active gastitis.Colonoscopy was normal. CECT chest showed right upper lobe mass lesion with mediastinal metastases and right pleural effusion. He then underwent CT guided trucut biopsy of the lung mass. Report awaited. After looking at EGFR status on biopsy, plan to chnage to combination chemotherpy but Tab ernotinib not started. As it was peripherally located lesion, likely possibility was non small cell carcinoma lung. Subsequently patient was discharged with following advise. To review in medical Oncology OPD on Monday ie 12-03-2012 with biopsy report.
I had tested Sugar level (PP) & Fasting of my father and found that sugar level is very very high (410 - 608). Admitted in the hospital and examination of ILBS lab showed uncontrolled sugars with RBS of 300, leucocytosis with count 16,000 and raised SAP and GGT. There were no feature of DKA. Urine Ketones were negative and ABG showed no acidosis. He has started insulin infusion and sugars controlled. Soon chnaged to OHAs. Advise Tab Glycomet SR 500 mg (with Lunch), Tab Amaryl 1 mg ( Before Break Fast )

Asked By : Anonymous

Asked on : 10 Mar 2012   

my sister has taken netruges 100 my but she does not like tablets is there any liquid medicine available let me know as soon as possible and which is also affordable for his husband

Asked By : lovemykids

Asked on : 08 Mar 2012   

I have hypothyroidism and have had it for 8 years. It is very mild usually a tsh of 4. During my ivf procedure it went up to 6 due to the hormones etc. I became pregnant but still had a high tsh. The doctor told me we need to bring it down and fast. I was taking 100 micrograms of eltroxin and the doctor raised me over a month to 225. My tsh went down but to .26. The doctor cut me by 50 micrograms. I went for a tsh test and t3 and t4 are still fine but my tsh was even lower .067 I am living overseas where there is a lot incompetency with doctors here. I had to find a lab that was giving accurate results because a lot of the labs use old machines and couldn't even give me an accurate tsh reading. Its really sad. The current tsh numbers I have are accurate after careful investigation. What should i do now. Should I cut the medicine i am taking altogether and then go for a tsh test and then start taking eltroxin again if my tsh goes high or should i just reduce my dosage and to what? thank you. i am pregnant and would like to save my baby.

Asked By : jwn_67

Asked on : 02 Mar 2012   

My wife was on birth control for about 15 to 20 years. She got pregnant a little over 6 years ago and stopped taking birth control and shortly after she had the baby she had her tubes tied. But ever since she has been off of the birth control she has been in bad depression and anxiety attacts. Always scared of having some kind of cancer. At one time she thought she found a bump on the side of her chest and rubbed on it so hard and Long she bruised it badly. I took her to the doctor and they done some tests they scheduled her to come in and get a biopsie, so in the mean time I some how got her to quit rubbing it and when she came back in they couldn't find it. Anyway it is always something. I really think it has to do with being off the birth control, I think it messed up her hormones. Should she get back on the birth control or what?

Asked By : Anonymous

Asked on : 03 Mar 2012   

tell something about dfz 30 mg tablets

Asked By : nidhiAshish

Asked on : 05 Mar 2012   

Hi Doctor!
My 167 days old child has been suffering from loose motion for a couple of days due to some infection. It is given only milk. (LECTOGEN 1). Now a days we are in a village where medical facilities are not well. I gave my child SPORLAC TAB.
Plz suggest if I may give it DEPENDAL M. If yes, what the doses should be.

Asked By : sunny_321

Asked on : 08 Feb 2012   

blood sugar is high,have started with clots on both feets, already taking glyiciphage 2g ,getting fat ,already suffering from sinal cord injury,ie L1 burst fracture with praglesis since 3 years,kindly suggest a medicine

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