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Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Limited
Title : Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Limited
Description : Medi classic * Covers hospitalisation expenses * Covers surgeon, consultant, and anesthetist fees * No claim discount ranging from 5% to 25% for every claim-free year * Covers pre and post-hospitalisation Senior Citizens Red Carpet * Covers people aged between 60 and 69 years * Guaranteed renewals beyond 69 years * No pre-insurance medical test required * Pre-existing diseases covered Diabetes Safe * Covers people affected by Diabetes Mellitus Type II * Covers diabetic retinopathy requiring laser treatment * Covers diabetic nephropathy leading to chronic renal failure * Covers second transplant following failure of the first Medi Premier * Provides additional lump sum payment in case of diagnosis of certain illnesses * Covers pre and post-hospitalisation expenses * Stroke, renal failure, and cancer are covered under specified critical illnesses * Coverage available for persons between 26 years and 75 years Super Surplus * Wide coverage option of Rs. 7 lakh and Rs. 10 lakh2 * Covers hospitalisation expenses * No ceiling on ICU, medicine, diagnostic charges, or consultation fees * Covers surgeon, consultant, and anesthetist fees Family Health Optima * Protect all family members against serious illnesses * Covers hospitalisation expenses * Floater plan * Covers pre and post-hospitalization expenses NRI all care * Insures health of family members of non-resident Indians * Covers surgeon, consultant, and anesthetist fees * Cashless facility available * Free consultation at specific hospitals True value * Covers hospitalisation expenses * Covers surgeon, consultant, and anesthetist fees * Cumulative bonus of 5% added to sum assured for every claim-free year of insurance up to a maximum 10 claim-free years * Family discount available

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