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Why Students Love To Study In Russia ?

Posted by chandsudani on Sun, 15 Jul 2012         
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Why Students Love To Study Medicine In Russia ? If somebody asks this question to anyone who have studied in Russia, he or she  will come to know lots of interesting  things about Russia and medical education system over there. Here I am writting some interesting facts which can highlight the answer of above mentioned question.I  have spent 6 years in Russia to achieve  my medical graduation  and  during my stay in Russia, I found so many reasons why studying in Russia is really a good opportuni... Read More
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2 Comment(s)


16 Jul 12
1:45 PM

thanx for telling your views.The university where i studied has a largest number of indian students in all over Russia (approx.700 indian students).If you ask them the same thing, 90% of them will tell that they liked to study in russia. Though some of them find russian language hard, i can surely tell everyone of them can speak,read and write russian very well.[We all know that Students who go to south indian states for study,they even dont learn those languages till they finish their study]. To pass the MCI screening test in india,all have to study indian medical books. So obviously students have to read books in both languages.Now about safety,i haven't seen a single case of girl-harrasment by any russian during my stay in russia. Actually my post is regarding Why students liked russia for study.But now a days, as per MCI rules,these all students have to do internship in india after coming back to india.so total 7 years (6+1) they have to spent just for bachelor degree. So now a days people choose China+Nepal(4.5 years+1 yr internship) for medical study,because internship of these countries are valid in india which can save 2 years.So even i advise the students to go for China or Nepal.Because time is precious and study in russia will take a long time.Again i am clearify that all i wrote is about why students who studied in russia like the place where they studied. It's all about my experiences,not a expert advice.

15 Jul 12
4:23 PM

I hope what you write is validated by some more students who have studied in Russia. We have known about the initial difficulty in settling down in Russia for Indian students and the language has always been the problem. Some students have said to me that the books are inadequate and they had to read the English text and translate them in Russian for the exams. One of the Indian girls who studied there said she never felt safe there. So while we appreciate your experience I am not sure if this is generally true. Students who read this medblog should do their own research before they decide to study medicine in Russia.

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