Answered by : maulishree
on Tue, 05 Feb 2013
Diet wise you should lessen spicy, oily and junk food consumption.
It is suggested that you visit a dermatologist for some guidance. Certain mediaceted shampoos, ointments may be suggested which help a great deal. Folliderm is a helpful supplement to combat hair loss.
Dandruff and scaly scalp may also be the root cause for which you need expert recommendations.
Diet tips:
Keep your body hydrated. Drink lots of water and fluids.
- Avoid tea, coffee, pickles, junk foods, chaats and spicy food.
- If possible drink fresh vegetable juice made of spinach, fenugreek, mint, amla or carrots or beetroot in the morning
-Omega 3 fatty acids supplements and a daily antioxidant could really help.