Asked by : BRO_GREAT
on Tue, 01 Mar 2011
Asked in :General
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My younger brother who is of 8 years is very short in height. He is only 3 feet, 8 inches & weighs around 22 kg. In his class, he is the among the shortest one.
Today, when I came home after the holidays & took him in my arms, I found him lighter than before. I went to get his weight measured, it was just a little above 22kg.
A few months before, he got ill. We had taken him to the doctor, the doctor said that he is normal but I don't think, I believe that his height should be around 4'2" & weight should be above 25kg.
I had read on internet that a child attains 75% of his height by 8 years. According to this, he will be just 5'3" by 18 years. Isn't that bad?
Many guys say that after 12-13 years, his height will accelerate. Is that true?
I don't know, what to do? He takes all his meals properly but still there is no change in body, WHY? I cannot figure it out. Where the nutrition's are going?
I had heard that height is entirely hereditary, I had attained my height of 5'8" by 14 or 15 years & at his age, I was a lot taller. So, why there is such a difference between me & him?
So, what to do; I am really worried about my brother.